Basic questions with simple answers about gameplay mechanics or upgrade advice belong in the pinned Questions Thread. View card stats and star levels for the Clash Royale card, Giant.They are unlocked at Builder Barracks level 3. Humor posts outside this time frame will be removed. 1 Summary 2 Strategies 2.1 Offensive Strategy 2.2 Defensive Strategy 3 Upgrade Differences 4 Statistics 5 Trivia Summary Boxer Giants are ground melee unit with high hitpoints in the Builder Base. When using giants, they die much faster and allow the defensive towers to find and attack your Pekkas and wizards. This means the golem can render all towers useless for awhile. "Humor Weekend" Starts at Friday, 5:00 PM Eastern and ends Monday, 2 AM Eastern. Once a defensive tower locks onto a golem, it won't re-target till the golem is dead or out of range. Humor & Memes will be limited to weekends and must be flaired correctly.No clan recruiting or asking for clans to join of any kind.If you are raiding I strongly recommend using Barb / Arch but if you really want to use Healer / Giant this is what I recommend: 135 camps 15 Giants / 1 Healer / 4-6 Wallbreakers / Rest Archers but keep 1 Barb.
No posts from the list of banned topics found on this page.7y I spent a month using Giant / Healer back when I was ur level. Welcome home Clashers Everything about Supercell Clash games, Clash of Clans, Clash Quest, Clash Heroes and Clash Mini News, update Sneak Peeks, leaks, Wiki, stats, etc. The Giant+Healer strategy is perhaps the first powerful attack combination, considering the Healer is unlocked before the Dragons are.Chat about the game you love! Partnered Recruitment Subreddit CoCGuide Filters Hide Unsurprisingly, Supercell has released in the official channel of Youtube, a new video that shows in action the upcoming Clash of Clans update that will. Strategy, how is my base (HIMB), tactics, bugs, crashes, and general discussion welcome!īe sure to join our Discord Server and connect with your fellow clashers.